Dentist Disability Insurance

If you’re a dentist, we have exceptional choices to offer you long-term or short-term coverage for own-occupation disability insurance. You can never know when a physical injury or illness will strike, but you can plan for them when you purchase a specially taylored plan for dentists to protect your income.

We also offer numerous riders to improve your worst-case situation of falling victim to an unanticipated incident and having to miss work. You can find extras that take into account cost of living, medical expenses, hospital stay and critical illness bonuses, along with other riders. You may also select how long you’d like your waiting and benefit periods to be for.

Dentist policies protect your income while you are unable to clean teeth. You depend on your salary just like your clients depend on you, so let Got DI help you pick a coverage that is dependable and supportive.

Do you currently have partial disability insurance protection?


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